Thursday, September 3, 2020

Roman Catholic Communion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Roman Catholic Communion - Essay Example Thus, with regards to customs, Communion will in general be a significant custom in the Roman Catholic religion. Fellowship in the Roman Catholic religion not just stretches out a feeling of having a place with the Roman Catholics around the globe, yet in addition encourages them remain associated with the basic convictions and qualities related with their religion. In the Roman Catholic Church, fellowship will in general be the source and focal point of the Roman Catholic religion. Fellowship will in general be the high purpose of any Roman Catholic mass. In the Roman Catholic Church, fellowship happens to be a significant holy observance. It is a way and intends to arrive at Jesus. The Ritual of Communion The fellowship in the Roman Catholic Church starts with an initial petition. The church leading the mass makes an indication of cross and says the initial petition. The church officially invites the adherents going to the mass and offers petitions for the prosperity of the area an d the network. After the initial supplication, the church begins the perusing of the sacred text. It should be referenced that the perusing of the sacred writing in a Catholic fellowship isn't arbitrary or heedless, yet rather it follows a ritualistic schedule. The Catholic Church has endorsed the readings for every single day of the year. This act of affiliating to a similar perusing on a specific day at the Catholic Churches set the whole way across the world, loans a feeling of network and kinship to the individuals following the Catholic religion. The perusing of the sacred writing is trailed by the Lord’s Prayer. When the Lord’s Prayer is said then starts the holy observance of fellowship. The minister offers to the adherents assembled in the Church for the mass, the globule plunged in wine, which at an emblematic level is taken to be the blood and collection of Jesus, offered to the devotees with the goal that it could make up for the transgressions submitted by them (O’Collins and Farrugia 250). It should be referenced that fellowship will in general be the most significant part of a Catholic mass. The Roman Catholic religion lectures that getting fellowship is an unquestionable requirement for the achievement of salvation. The other significant conviction related with the Roman Catholic fellowship is that lone a minister, who has been appointed in the missional progression, could show through Jesus Christ the inevitable marvel of Transubstantiation, subsequently changing the conventional bread and wine into the blood and body of the Christ. Which means and Significance of Communion It should be seen that Communion or Eucharist orders a focal spot in the Roman Catholic type of love. Immersion and Communion are the two holy observances that have been obviously referenced in the Bible. It is held that the act of Communion was really begun by Jesus Christ, and this custom is plainly recorded in the Gospels. It was Jesus Christ who star ted the act of the Last Supper where he offered bread to His followers, revealing to them that it is His body, and afterward made them drink a little wine, saying it to be His blood. Jesus advised his supporters to rehash this function and the Catholic Christians have been rehearsing this custom right from the times of early Christians. The custom of Communion owes its profound moorings to the ceremonies connection to the genuine penance of Jesus on the cross. In the New Testament one numerous multiple times run over Jesus tending to himself as a penance, along these lines pointing towards his fast approaching penance on

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Human Resources Planning for Hospitality and Tourism

Graduate School Trisakti Institute of Tourism Final Assignment (Problem Solving) Course : Human Resources Planning for Hospitality and Tourism Lectrurer : Prof. Syamsir Abduh, PhD Case Study 1 Brunt Hotels, PLC, possesses in excess of 60 inns all through the United Kingdom. They as of late gained a little lodging network headquartered in France. Brunt’s CEO concluded that half of the new inns in France would be held and rebranded as a component of the Brunt Hotels Group; the other half will be sold.This will bolster Brunt’s vital target of developing the association gradually to ensure that new pursuits are all around upheld and opened on schedule and on financial plan. Brunt’s inns are viewed as spending housing; they are useful, clean and sensibly valued. Extra data about UK inn gauges is accessible at Most visitors remain for one to three evenings and are a blend of business and recreation voyagers. The inns are normally arranged in downtown areas that are eff ectively open by mass travel. Applicable materials: Hospitality and Tourism RelationshipTourists are pulled in to these inns in well known guest goals where the numerous nearby attractions imply that they won't invest a lot of energy in their lodgings. The association has chosen to utilize an ethnocentric approach and send a portion of their current UK-based administrators to France to lead the changeover of the new inns and afterward oversee them after they re-open. On the off chance that this new abroad endeavor is effective, Brunt may choose to secure other little lodging bunches in other European nations. The association might want to claim 150 inns in the following five years. Their 10-year plan is to possess 300 inns across Europe.This is an eager objective, so it is significant that the association finds a powerful equation to work effectively in different nations. The supervisory crew chooses to choose just one of the three proposed preparing programs, certain that it will be helpful and useful for the ne w ostracizes. Be that as it may, they might likewise want to offer outside help for the new exiles to make their change to another nation as smooth as could be expected under the circumstances. They know about a portion of the administrations that can be offered to help workers on both an individual and expert level, yet don't have a far reaching overview.Question: The supervisory group requests that you direct Internet-based research to discover what ostracize bolster administrations are accessible. Contextual analysis 2 (see the contextual analysis 1: Brunt Hotels) The supervisory group preferred your enrollment commercial, yet understood that they didn't think about the compensation for these new positions! Since the association has never employed chiefs to work outside the UK previously, they don't have the foggiest idea how to begin deciding the pay. They furnish you with the accompanying data that they found on the Internet: * Existing pay for supervisors is ? 0,000 (45,000 Eu ros) in addition to rewards. * Surveys show that the normal pay for inn supervisors in France is 60,000 Euros with no chance to gain rewards. The chiefs need to have a steady methodology with regards to how they remunerate exiles since they anticipate that their abroad business should extend later on. They additionally need existing representatives to be tempted into working abroad and need to have a decent scope of motivators. Question : Design a pay bundle for the lodging the executives position. Clarify the justification for your design.You may likewise incorporate non-budgetary advantages. Contextual investigation 3 This is an instance of two contending inns, Sunrise Hotel and Beachside Hotel that are both situated in a medium estimated, the travel industry based town in the Northeast U. S. The lodgings are both going after a similar arrangement of visitors, just as a similar arrangement of potential workers. They are both spending lodgings, directly nearby to one another, with 60 visitor rooms each and a perspective on the sea shore. The inhabitance during top season for the Sunrise Hotel is 98%, yet throughout the winter months goes down to 65%.The Beachside Hotel has top season inhabitance of 90% and off pinnacle inhabitance of half. Joe is the General Manager of Sunrise Hotel and has been in his present situation for a long time. He has been with Sunrise Hotel for an aggregate of 10 years. He stirred his way up at Sunrise Hotel from front work area operator to front work area chief, lastly to Assistant General Manager before he turned into the General Manager. He works superbly of screening potential representatives for his front work area territory of the inn since he understands the significance of that region of the inn, particularly in traveler areas.He additionally has motivators set up for magnificent execution of the front work area specialists and preparing and improvement programs intended to give everybody data that will assist them with carr ying out their responsibility better. There is a feeling of cooperation at Sunrise Hotel and that encourages everybody need to work superbly. His visitor fulfillment appraisals for his inn are in general magnificent. On a rating size of 1â€10, his lodging midpoints a 9. The normal length of residency of his representatives is 4 years, and his present front work area director was advanced from inside, alongside his Assistant General Manager.Because of the little size of the inn, Joe is really associated with the entirety of the recruiting choices and assists with giving preparing programs himself, alongside his initiative group. The worker turnover at the Sunrise Hotel is 25% by and large and that is basically when hourly representatives graduate secondary school or school and leave the Sunrise Hotel for a vocation elsewhere. Brian is the General Manager of the Beachside Hotel and manages a totally different circumstance. Brian was acquired from another inn in a similar inn bunch around a half year ago.He was told by his supervisor that he expected to â€Å"fix† this inn with the goal that it would begin having better consumer loyalty appraisals and more bring visitors back. In spite of the genuinely high inhabitance noted during top seasons, the off pinnacle season inhabitance is just half. Additionally noted by his chief, the inhabitance ought to be on a par with the Sunrise Hotel. Brian has been with his lodging bunch now for a long time and he came out of the bookkeeping and money office in his old inn. He has an incredible comprehension of the numbers in the housing business, however has not been engaged with the human asset parts of the job.The turnover of hourly representatives at Beachside Hotel is 120% and that implies that Brian is continually running the lodging in need of help and with new workers. The Beachside Hotel has been doing the employing through a human asset professional in the inn that was placed in the position since she truly couldn't deal with serving visitors at the front work area quite well. Mary was elevated to HR a year prior after she had one such a large number of quarrels with the visitors at the front work area. The proprietor of the lodging needed to ensure that she would not drive any of different visitors mad, so he elevated her to a HR practitioner.Since that time, she has been caught up with attempting to stay aware of recruiting and she possesses had no energy for preparing representatives. Since she is so occupied, checks regularly come out to workers late, there are no approaches recorded for representatives to use as a guide for execution, clients are dealt with severely by new and inadequately prepared representatives, and the divisions of the lodging don't convey adequately and in this manner everybody accuses every other person when things turn out badly. The normal length of residency of the front work area operators at the Beachside Hotel is 3 months and the consumer loyalty ratin g at the Beachside is a 6 out of a 10 potential rating.Most of the front work area specialists that are employed originated from different lodgings in the territory after they quit or are terminated. Brian isn't engaged with the recruiting for the lodging by any stretch of the imagination, and doesn't engage with preparing and improvement. He goes through the majority of his days taking a gander at the money related reports for the lodging and breaking down normal every day rate, inhabitance rates, and REVPAR. Brian realizes that he has numerous issues to manage thus he goes to the Sunrise Hotel to watch things over yonder for some time. He sees an upbeat group and converses with Joe about how he is making that happen.Joe is glad to help, however needs Brian to return and watch his workers first and think of ways that he explicitly can help manage Brian. Questions: 1. What could Brian gain from Joe as far as the human capital parts of running a lodging? 2. What human asset arranging activities could be attempted by either the Sunrise Hotel or Beachside Hotel so as to help with the general execution of their particular associations? Accessible from:| Monday, 3 December 2012, 07:00 AM| Due date:| Monday, 3 December 2012, 12:30 PM|

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Write Research Paper PDF - Tips to Help You

How to Write Research Paper PDF - Tips to Help YouIf you are in charge of creating documentation for your organization, you need to understand how to write research paper. Research paper is an important document that comes out from your studies.To write a research paper, you need to know the best way to research for your paper. It is not the same when you will be writing your textbook as when you will be writing your research paper. In this case, the structure of your research paper is very important.To help you with this, I have written this article on how to write research paper PDF. The first thing that you should do is find the right topic of the research paper. Many times, you can find the topic of your paper by reading the information on the school or department website. If there is no such information, you can just browse through the internet and take note of the different keywords that are used in searching for the subject of your paper. When you are done with this, you can c opy those keywords.After you have chosen the topic of your research paper, you have to start to research the keywords. After you have researched for a while, you will have a list of keywords that you can use in writing your research paper. You will also need to keep a pen and paper on hand to jot down all the keywords that you have found.Now, for the best way to write a research paper PDF, you need to create a format that can be easily edited later. One good idea is to write all the keywords that you have found using your pen and paper. When you are finished, you can erase the information. The next time you will write the paper, you can write the keywords again using the pen and paper.Now, that you have your keywords ready, you can now write the body of your research paper. You will need to include the main objective of your paper, the main research topic that you are going to cover, the introduction of your paper, and the conclusion of your paper. The introduction will tell your re aders how the research paper came about and the main research topic that you are going to cover.When you are writing your research paper, you need to include keywords that are related to the content of your paper. For example, you will use the term 'resource' when you are writing a paper on the research about certain business organizations. However, if you are writing a paper on health care organizations, you will need to place 'medical organizations'medical business' as the keywords.This will help you create the best format to how to write research paper PDF. When you are done, you can then search for keywords that can help you write the paper. You can also use the tips mentioned above, to write the paper.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Cost of Security - Literature Essay Samples

In a country where many are free to learn what they please, express themselves and feel a vast range of emotions, it is an outlandish thought to have these simple freedoms restricted or even relinquished. Lois Lowry’s The Giver follows Jonas, a boy who begins to question his perfect society devoid of any troubles when he receives memories of the past as part of his job Receiver of Memory. The community gives up the freedom of its people in favor of security, which results in ignorance of the past, and an inability to perceive the future. Relinquishing freedom makes emotion non-existent. It raises the question; is it truly worth erasing the freedom to learn, to experience the world, and to feel emotions in favor of security? The government of Jonas’ community greatly restricts the range of knowledge that can be acquired within the education system; here, the education of young people revolves around giving up their own individuality in order to retain Sameness and to keep order within the community. Because of their Sameness-centered education, no one learns of the past and no one can think beyond the set parameters of the community. This indoctrination makes sure that everyone has a place in society, and it also makes sure that no individual is capable of disrupting the order with his/her own thoughts or concepts that conflict with Sameness. Citizens are so ignorant of any other method of thought, that even Jonas does not realize how ignorant he is until he learns of family and love in a memory of Christmas. Jonas states, â€Å"I just didn’t realize there was any other way until I received that memory† (157). He did not know that there was any other way to live their lives, and he d id not even know what Christmas was or what love was prior to receiving that memory, which just goes to show how limiting their memories are. Because of this security, no one can be free inside his or her mind. How does one perceive the world on a physical level? The answer is with their senses and their thoughts. How can one perceive if both their thoughts and senses are incapacitated? It is a trick question; it is not a person who can perceive, but, rather, it is the illusion of perception. In other cases, the community in The Giver pushes back against basic facts of life that most free societies never question. No one in Jonas’ community can see color or hear music, which seems to be harmless enough. Color is an expected amenity in a typical person’s life, but in such a controlled environment, it can be overlooked, and music can be seen as a distraction from an orderly lifestyle. However, it goes a bit further than being able to discern between the color of hair or being able to listen to progressions of chords. Color allows people to be individuals with separate qualities about their bodies (hair, skin, eyes), and music allows people to express creativity. Therefore, color and music conflict with Sameness because they express individuality and choice. No one can see color or hear music because everyone is genetically modified before they are born so that they are all the same. They are essentially destined never to be different in order to keep the secur ity of the community. If people are born different in Jonas’ society, then they are released from the community via lethal injection. The narrator describes the euthanization of a twin baby, â€Å"He pushed the plunger very slowly, injecting the liquid into the scalp vein until the syringe was empty† (187). Twins are not allowed within the community because discerning between the two twins would cause confusion and frustration, two qualities the government despises. Release is also applied to adults who have outlived their use in Jonas’ community. In essence, if citizens do not meet the physical requirements deemed safe, then they are erased from the community. Emotions are what allow human beings to react and to connect to the world. Throughout a day consisting of interaction with other humans or objects, the typical human undergoes changes in emotion, ranging from exhilaration all the way to dejection. His or her emotional state depends on one’s own mental and physical experience whilst doing human things. One could argue that emotions are what define humans. Jonas’ community, however, sees emotions as a catalyst for the disruption of Sameness. Every evening each family unit must discuss their emotions with one another, and even so, their emotions are rather bland. The icing on the cake is when the reader learns that when children enter adolescence, they are given medication to keep their emotions in check. When Jonas has a dream containing sexual desires, his mother tells him, â€Å"You’re ready for the pills, that’s all. That’s the treatment for Stirrings† (48). Denizens of the community are tau ght that emotions need to be restrained and controlled with medication rather than having emotions experienced and felt. No one can discover life through feelings; their community has taken care of that. To be fair, emotions could cause feelings of unrest and anger, which are troublesome for the government. After all, how can a government retain order if the emotions of its own people do not agree with its government’s motives? Due to this decision, however, no one is much of a human being; they are more like robots that react to protocols. If a community has to sacrifice freedom to have some level of control and security over its citizens, the morality of it can be questioned, especially when it is with something as small as the ability to perceive color in order to make everyone the same. The community sees individuality as a threat to its security because an individual with his or her own desires is more unpredictable than someone whose life has been under the scrying eye of the government. What is the point of living a life if it is not one’s own to control? Sure, the community can give a disobedient miscreant or an elderly citizen a lethal dose of euthanasia, but that same person has already been starved of a life worth living. Removing freedom and implementing security only makes for more complications in a society. The community in The Giver is constantly regulating and surveilling its people, which takes time and human resources. If the community could trust its citizens, more time could be spent working on more productive projects and its citizens could live a full life. Maybe then the community could become free in a fashion similar to the democratic superpowers of the world.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Effects Of Breastfeeding On Children And Mothers - 872 Words

The Effects of Breastfeeding on Children and Mothers Breastfeeding has multiple positive effects for both the mother and the child. These effects can be in the short term and long term. Mothers who breastfeed have reduced rates of postpartum depression and a decreased risk of breast and ovarian cancers. It also helps the woman’s uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size along with other benefits (Positive Effects of Breastfeeding). Breastfeeding also protects babies from numerous illnesses during infancy and later in life (How Breastfeeding Benefits You and Your Baby | BabyCenter). The more a mother nurses, the more milk will be produced. The infant suckling causes the pituitary gland to release hormones. Prolactin encourages the alveoli to take nutrients from the blood supply to turn into milk. Oxytocin causes the cells to contract and eject milk. This is called the let-down reflex. The oxytocin released is what causes the uterus to contract. It is more noticeable with numerous births, but is still felt in first time mothers. The uterus will return it to its pre-pregnancy size quicker than if breastfeeding is not done. With how often a baby nurses, it does not take too long for this to occur (Breast Milk Production†). Postpartum Depression (PPD) can occur in women after giving birth. It can show up at any time during the first year, but is generally experienced during the first weeks or months after the baby’s birth. It is more common in first time mothers, but is notShow MoreRelatedBreastfeeding : Facts And Opinions Regarding Postpartum Mothers1508 Words   |  7 PagesBreastfeeding: Facts Opinions Regarding Postpartum Mothers Abstract Key Words: Breastfeeding, Social Opinion, Postpartum Depression (PPD), Body Mass Index (BMI) According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 81.9% of delivering mothers have documented successful breastfeeding habits at the time of hospital discharge (Healthy People 2020, 2013). The view of women breastfeeding has become a topic of interest for society as a whole. Some women feel comfortable breastfeedingRead MoreThe Benefits of Breastfeeding a Child in a Long Time Essay1592 Words   |  7 Pages2013). Breastfeeding is when a women feeds her infant breast milk after 3 days of giving birth. Breast milk consists of nutrients from the mother’s blood, breast milk is known as colostrum. After the fifth day the breast produces mature milk which consists the right amount of nutrients for the baby to grow. There are many benefits of breast milk to the mother and the infant (Breastfeeding, 2011). A formula milk takes a very long time to digest as when compared to the breast milk. By breastfeeding one’sRead MoreThe Benefits Of Breastfeeding For M others875 Words   |  4 PagesThe Benefits of Breastfeeding Since the invention of formula mothers have had trouble deciding how best to go about feeding their children. Each mother has their own preferred feeding technique, some of whom chose to use both feeding methods depending on the situation. For some mothers breastfeeding is not a viable option for reasons such as lactation issues, busy schedules, and secondary caregivers (Health Psychology). 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However, women should invest in breastfeeding because there are positive short and long-term effects for the baby, as wellRead MoreAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Breastfeeding And Bottle Parenting1723 Words   |  7 Pagesdecisions a mother has to make after having a baby is how the baby will be fed. Society has begun to manipulate mothers when making their decision by making formula so easy to use, leaving the option to breastfeed almost taboo in nature. According to her article, â€Å"Breast is Best? Reasons Why Mothers Decide to Breastfeed or Bottlefeed Their Babies and Factors Influencing the Duration of Breastfeeding,† Seaneen Sloan, a lecturer at University College Dublin, et al. write â€Å"more educated mothers have beenRead MoreBreastfeeding Among Low Income Mothers1682 Words   |  7 PagesBreastfeeding among Low-Income Mothers Introduction The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that a mother breastfeeds during her child’s first 6 months of life. After 6 months, the AAP advises that a mother should continue breastfeeding while incorporating solid foods into the baby’s diet. This nutritional combination should continue until the child is at least 1 year old (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2012). Additionally, the United States Surgeon General acknowledges the healthRead MoreBreastfeeding For Children : Breastfeeding900 Words   |  4 PagesBreastfeeding in Public For thousands of years, breastfeeding has been the main source that women have had to feed their babies. In today’s society, however, breastfeeding has become a controversial issue due to the increased sexualization of the female body, especially women’s breasts. This same society has failed to consider the benefits that breastfeeding mothers offer to society and, most importantly, the benefits breastfeeding offers to children. It is important to consider and remember thatRead MoreIs Breastfeeding A Growing Child?1334 Words   |  6 Pagesbe left up the mother. Breast milk is the ideal method to feed a growing child, which provides the necessary nutrients as vitamins, proteins, fats, as well as antibodies that helps the baby fight off bacteria and viruses. There are benefits that come from breastfeeding that would a child won’t receive from formula mixtures besides been more soluble for the baby to easily take in. The purpose of this proposal is to examine how b eneficial is breastfeeding in a growing child when mothers make the decision

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Health Problem Of Obesity Essay - 1027 Words

Obesity is perhaps the most concerning health problem our nation faces today. With national obesity rates nearing 38% for adults, we are eating ourselves into an early grave, and we are doing it in massive numbers. (State of Obesity). The National Institute of Health categorizes anyone with a body mass index between 25 and 29 as overweight, and one of 30 or higher as obese. (textbook). Being in this weight category brings along a multiplicity of health issues, both physical and mental. An increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and cancer are just a few of the diseases that are directly linked with obesity. (NIH risks). Additionally, there have been detrimental large scale effects to the US economy. For instance, an increase in healthcare cost can be traced to increased obesity rates throughout the nation. (econ). Although appearing bleak at first glance, there is an increased awareness in America that seeks to eliminate this problem before it spreads further. The 1980à ¢â‚¬â„¢s are often cited as the inception of the modern obesity crisis. According to, â€Å"researchers point to the increase in fat and sugar intake†¦ that began with the initial goal of reducing malnutrition by providing a low-cost source of calories.† (Livestrong). However, we can see obesity related press as early as the late 1940’s in TIME magazine. They ran articles showing concern that â€Å"Some five million Americans,† were â€Å"medically considered obese,† and â€Å"20 million Americans classed asShow MoreRelatedObesity And Chronic Health Problems With Obesity1660 Words   |  7 PagesThroughout the film, there are a number of explanations presented as to why Americans overeat, resulting in an epidemic of obesity and chronic health problems related to weight. According to the film, obesity is the second largest cause of death in the United States (smoking being number one). Many people believe that the fast food corporatio ns are to blame for America’s problems with obesity, primarily for the reason that the lobbyist representing these companies and the corporation allow extreme advertisingRead MoreObesity Is A Major Health Problem1375 Words   |  6 PagesThe obesity is a major health problem in the United States, the obesity means an excess amount of fat of human body due to genetic and environmental factors. The measuring tool of obesity is the body mass index, the obese persona has a body mass index of 30 or more. Also, the waist circumference is another tool used to measure obesity, for obese women the waist circumference of 35 inches or more, and for obese men, the waist circumference is 40 inches or more. The complications of obesity are highRead MoreHealth Problems And Childhood Obesity Essay1438 Words   |  6 PagesCarolina, like the rest of the state, childhood obesity and decreasing physical activity are contributing to multiple health problems. Over the last three decades, these health issues have continued to rise, causing younger and younger children to be diagnosed with serious long-term disorders like Type II diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea, and cardiac disorders such as hypertension. In addition, there is the opportunity for psychological and behavioral problems associated with social discrimination basedRead MoreHealth Problem Of Diabetes And Obesity1182 Words   |  5 PagesPublic Health Problem Diabetes is a deficiency in the body’s ability to metabolize sugar. Insulin is the hormone which typically regulates this process. There are two types of diabetes. The first is type 1. This is caused due to a failure in the insulin producing cells of the pancreas and is diagnosed when a person is young. Type 2 diabetes is the more common diabetes. It can be diagnosed at any time and occurs when blood glucose levels begin to rise higher than normal. This is also called hyperglycemiaRead MoreChildhood Obesity Leading to Adult Obesity and Health Problems1200 Words   |  5 Pages Childhood Obesity is becoming More Significant and leading to More Adult Obesity and Health Problems Introduction: Childhood obesity is an escalating issue in all over the world and particularly in the United States children and adults. This issue has received more attention in last thirty years as the number of flabby and obese children and adults has increased to double in the entire world. According to a report of Centers of Disease Control (2001), the number of obese children and adultsRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Serious Health Problem Essay1459 Words   |  6 Pages Childhood obesity is a serious health problem that is associated with future diseases. Early mortality is also a result of childhood obesity. An obese child is more likely to develop chronic diseases in adulthood (Hood, Emie, 2005).Having obesity can increase the likelihood of Type 2 diabetes, kidney diseases, high cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases, sleep apnea, liver diseases, orthopedics problems, and cancer (Sahoo, Sahoo, Choudhury, Sufi, KumarRead MoreObesity : A Growing G lobal Health Problem1593 Words   |  7 PagesWhat is obesity? It is when someone is so overweight that is a threat to their own health. Today obesity is a growing global health problem among children, teenagers and adults. This is due to over-eating especially when the person is over — eating unhealthy foods and a lack of enough exercise throughout the day. Obesity, is when someone is so overweight that is a threat to their own health. Today obesity is a growing global health problem among children, teenagers and adults. This is due to over-eatingRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Major Health Problem1111 Words   |  5 PagesChildhood obesity is a major health problem in the United States because the number of obese children has increased from adults in past few years. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United Stated, 7 out of 100 children age 6-10 years in 1990 are obese, and it has increased to 18 out of 100 in 2012. For the same pe riod, adult obesity has increased from 5 in 100 to 18 in 100. The definition of being overweight means gained too much weight from fat, musclesRead MoreObesity : A Significant Public Health Problem1502 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Obesity is a significant public health problem. Its prevalence in the United States estimated to be 35.1% in 2011–2012 (6291981) and 33.7 in 2014 ( It is well known that obesity leads to multiple medical conditions (17036573). Diabetes, hypertension, and coronary artery disease are comorbidities associated with obesity (Must A, Spadano J, Coakley E, et al. The disease burden associated with overweight and obesity. JAMA 2006;295:1549–56Read MoreObesity Is A Growing Global Health Problem1473 Words   |  6 Pages In America the obesity rates has become a debatable topic. Obesity is a growing global health problem. Obesity is typically results from over-eating and not enough exercise. â€Å"In our modern world with increasingly cheap, high calorie food such as fast food or junk food, natural foods that are high in things like salt, sugars or fat, it is no wonder that obesity has rapidly increased in the last few decades, around the world† (Shah, 2010). Obesity rates have reached a constant level in January 2010

Importance Change Management in Businessâ€Free-Samples for Students

Questions: 1.Identify and analyse the time, cost and quality impacts of the change upon the project and the techniques used to manage them 2.Identify options to satisfy the change request and any associated risks for each change 3.Complete the change request/control form provided or one that is used from a workplace. 4.Explain the term scope creep and use examples from your group discussions of tools and techniques that can be used to manage scope creep. Answers: Introduction This report depicts the importance of using change management in a business organization as per the changing requirement of the consumers and of the employees also. This particular report is strictly focused on Bostons Central Artery or Tunnel project that is commonly known as the Big Dig. This is one of the largest as well as complex projects in American history. This particular project is famous for the cost enhancement. In order to develop the successful change management in this project it is necessary to get support from the stakeholders in terms of environment, processes, culture, relationship and behavior. The current state of the project can also be determined with the help of proper change management. Then after analyzing the desired position of the change management, the plans must be incorporated in the organization. Certain steps are needed to be followed by the management authority of the business organization to acquire the desired change. The impact of time, cost and q uality for managing the changes, the associated risks and the relevant term that is scope creep is also elaborated in this report. 1.Identification and analysis the impact of time, cost and quality for successful project implementation It has been found that the major problems associated to the Big Dig project are its methods and addressed issues with the blueprint and design approaches. The subsurface conditions relevant to the project are absolutely underestimated. Huge cost escalation occurred for determining the project risks and management problems. Even for preventing those risks different strategies were implemented those influenced the time, cost and quality of the project. Statement of work, project schedule, acceptance criteria and the functional components are the most important things those are needed to be considered before bringing any kind of changes in an organization (Flyvbjerg, 2013). Even, if anyone joins the team after certain time then he or she must go through the developed project details. In order to bring desired changes in an organization it is necessary for the finance manager of the project to estimate the budget properly. After considering the project activities besides cost a time shou ld also be estimated. If the estimated time exceeds then the budget will also overflow. In addition to this, quality is another important thing that is strictly required to be considered by the management authority (Goetsch Davis, 2014). Quality of both products and services are necessary to be maintained to gain competitive advantages and measurable revenue as well. 2.Identification of options for satisfying change request and the risks associated to it It has been found that, different risks are associated to the organizational structure while bringing any kind of changes for any project. In order to satisfy the desired changes different options should be identified of a particular project (Hazen et al., 2014). For designing any project with accuracy and perfection the manger must focus on certain basic areas such as: Determining the causes for cost escalation Project work planning Designing the Big Dig project construction associated risks Development of underground utility protection Utility program improvement in terms of safety, quality, schedule budget and time. Development of a strong working relationship Improvement f project organizational structure Centralized decision making Quality management The value development by partnering Issues might be associated to the project baseline or project events. Natural disaster or request from the stakeholders might be the risks (Rennstam Karreman, 2014). The changes and issues associated to it are as follows: Requested change Issues Partnering It is needed to be must focused for determining the root of the risks. Involvement of sub contractors The subcontractors should be involved in the partnering period (Suma LakshmiMadhuri, 2013). Continuous change Continuous changes and thorough oversight are essential. 3.Requested change and control management In order to meet the requested changes control management and monitoring re referred to as the most important factors that must be considered. The necessary steps include: Requested changes Completion steps Design Changes Original change Ground-water conditions, weak soil and safety issues. Hence, the big dig project had a requirement for these changes. Reason behind the demanded change The safety changes would bring about the success for the project. Success condition It is expected that the changes would be completing the projects and the overall conditions of the project would be changed. Expected completion It is expected that the safety changes would be applied for the project and a strong working relationship would be developed Expected values Submission of review for change management Defining option for creating response document Number of name and option Proposed solution Timelines Impact Final decision and project approval - 4.Explaining scope creep using example Scope creep Scope creep is referred to as a process that is helpful to anticipate the original size of the project by which it is expected to grow. Example and Tools used for managing scope creep In order to manage a scope creep different tools and techniques should be used based upon the type of a business (Petti, Briones Long, 2014). Example: In the present report we can consider the case of the Big Dig project. Some the utilities that were to be used were 150 years old and hence, they were to be replaced. The machines that built indicated complete lack of knowledge of the condition and the locations. Hence, they were to be replaced by the newer utility programs that would be resolving the issues and provide an efficient problems to the situation. Tools: For mitigating this issue, the tools and techniques used include: Detail analysis Out of control project management Thorough investigation on project vision Understanding project priority Defining project drivers Conclusion From the overall discussion it can be concluded that in order to meet the requirement of the consumers and for gaining competitive advantages identification of proper time, cost and quality are very much necessary for Big Dig construction project. On the other hand, for satisfying the desired changes in the project accurate tools should be incorporated. The term scope creep is also illustrated to complete the requested changes. Usage of certain tools and techniques are also illustrated in this report References Arjalies, D. L., Mundy, J. (2013). The use of management control systems to manage CSR strategy: A levers of control perspective.Management Accounting Research,24(4), 284-300. Flyvbjerg, B. (2013). Quality control and due diligence in project management: Getting decisions right by taking the outside view.International Journal of Project Management,31(5), 760-774. Goetsch, D. L., Davis, S. B. (2014).Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson. Hazen, B. T., Boone, C. A., Ezell, J. D., Jones-Farmer, L. A. (2014). Data quality for data science, predictive analytics, and big data in supply chain management: An introduction to the problem and suggestions for research and applications.International Journal of Production Economics,154, 72-80. Petti, F. R., Briones, P. L., Long, W. (2014). Scope Creep: What Are the Limits Under IGRA on State Powers to Regulate Ancillary Non-Gaming Business Ventures.Gaming Law Review and Economics,18(1), 19-29. Rennstam, J., Krreman, D. (2014, August). Control work in complex organizations: Constructive disobedience, translation and peer reviewing in a hightech firm. yearly Academy of Management conference, Philadelphia, PA. Suma, V., LakshmiMadhuri, K. (2013). Influence of Scope Creep on Project Success: AComparative Study between Conventional ApproachVerses Agile Approach. InIEEE International Conference on Advanced research in Engineering and Technology (ICARET).