Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Health Problem Of Obesity Essay - 1027 Words

Obesity is perhaps the most concerning health problem our nation faces today. With national obesity rates nearing 38% for adults, we are eating ourselves into an early grave, and we are doing it in massive numbers. (State of Obesity). The National Institute of Health categorizes anyone with a body mass index between 25 and 29 as overweight, and one of 30 or higher as obese. (textbook). Being in this weight category brings along a multiplicity of health issues, both physical and mental. An increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and cancer are just a few of the diseases that are directly linked with obesity. (NIH risks). Additionally, there have been detrimental large scale effects to the US economy. For instance, an increase in healthcare cost can be traced to increased obesity rates throughout the nation. (econ). Although appearing bleak at first glance, there is an increased awareness in America that seeks to eliminate this problem before it spreads further. The 1980à ¢â‚¬â„¢s are often cited as the inception of the modern obesity crisis. According to, â€Å"researchers point to the increase in fat and sugar intake†¦ that began with the initial goal of reducing malnutrition by providing a low-cost source of calories.† (Livestrong). However, we can see obesity related press as early as the late 1940’s in TIME magazine. They ran articles showing concern that â€Å"Some five million Americans,† were â€Å"medically considered obese,† and â€Å"20 million Americans classed asShow MoreRelatedObesity And Chronic Health Problems With Obesity1660 Words   |  7 PagesThroughout the film, there are a number of explanations presented as to why Americans overeat, resulting in an epidemic of obesity and chronic health problems related to weight. According to the film, obesity is the second largest cause of death in the United States (smoking being number one). 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